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Read about the Sumner Special Meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. View the agenda and important links.
Click here or the newsletters link in the menu above for the latest in Sumner.
Read about the Sumner Special Meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. View the agenda and important links.
Mark the date for the 3rd SAN Parade and Ice Cream Social. The parade will end at Helensview School this year.
This meetings guest will be Roger Gonzalez with Prosper Portland to discuss the Parkrose-Columbia Corridor. Here is a brief explanation of a TIF (Tax Increment Financing).
Tax increment financing (TIF) is a public financing method that is used as a subsidy for redevelopment, infrastructure, and other community-improvement projects in many countries, including the United States. The original intent of a TIF program is to stimulate private investment in a blighted area that has been designated to be in need of economic revitalization.[1] Roger will explain the benefits, how these are funded and what it means to residents of Sumner. This is important to hear as the life of a TIF is approx 20-30 years and it is funded through taxes.